Friday, 23 March 2012

Flash Fiction Friday - 23 March

Well it's that time again! Another Friday another Flasher and I love 'em. A picture prompt and a story. One hundred words, no more no less. A group of excellent writers participating, so click the link and take the time to read and comment. Makes for a fun filled Friday.
Here is my story. Thank you for reading, and I welcome comments.

The Assignment

Lying on a bed of damp leaves Art looked at Ray with a mixture of shock and surprise. You look strange, he thought. “What’s that on your arm?” he asked.

Reading his thoughts, Ray ran his hand down Art’s leg. “You are very different too. I like the way you look,” he said. “Don’t you remember we were both assigned these as a kind of symbol. We need to fit in. But I don’t like what we have to wear. Where are our instructions?”

 Art reached inside his trousers, and grabbed Ray’s neck. “Ray!” he yelled. “I’ve found my antenna!”
I hope you enjoyed
Other Wonderful Flashers


  1. Too funny!!! LMAO! He found his entenna. Too bad he has equipment he doesn't know how to use. LOL!!Loved it!

  2. I agree with Bonni! Great Flash and if he needs help tuning in........... LOL, I loved it too!!:) xo

  3. Awesome Flasher. LOL Made me smile and laugh(which caused a coughing fit) but I needed both. Love the "twist"...poor Aliens don't know what to do with their "parts". LOL

  4. Tee hee, not what I was expecting :D this 100 is going to stuck in my head in a very fun way!! Thanks for the giggle

  5. *Snort* His antenna! Loved it!

  6. Ahh, his antenna -- thanks for the chuckle! Great Flasher!

  7. I love the ending! Nicely done!

    :D SLira

  8. LOL! That’s hilarious! Wait until he starts stroking that antenna. Wowzers! *giggle*


I long to know what you think. So please leave me a comment