Sunday, 14 February 2016

Weekend Writing Warriors ~ 14 February 2016: New Beginnings

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Every Sunday wonderful authors post eight to ten  sentences of their work. Please show some love by following the links and reading. Comments are always appreciated

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My excerpt this week is from a WIP New Beginnings. Josie, who is trying to rebuild her life after a split with her husband, has met up with best friend Sandra, for a drink.

"Here you go, babe." Sandra put the round tray down, and placed two large glasses of white wine on the table. Sitting down, crossed legged, Sandra's skirt rode up slightly,allowing her long slender legs to become visible. This immediately attracted attention, but Sandra pretended not to notice the occasional sideways glances that were shot in her direction.

You're incorrigible Sandra,” Josie giggled.

Sandra winked, and with a wicked grin, crossed them even further, displaying more of her legs. She pushed a wine glass toward Josie, picked up her own and laughed as she chinked it against her friend's. " Here's mud in your eye."

"And yours," Josie responded, simultaneously, taking a gulp.

"So, what couldn't wait? Come on Josie, the suspense is killing me."

Naomi x


  1. A delightfully playful scene - their banter made me smile.

  2. Sandra's actions catch the reader's eye, too. Or at least mine, 'cause I'm a guy. I forgot to sign up this week, but my snippet is here.

    1. Thanks so much Ed. She is a playful character


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