Friday, 14 February 2014

Flash Fiction Friday - 14 February: Iona

It's Friday and time to flash. A given picture and one hundred words only is the challenge for some awesome writers to find inspiration for their flash fiction. Please show some love by reading and leaving a comment. This week mine is called Iona Enjoy.


Picture acknowledgement Pinterest

Cool breezes fluttered through her long dark hair as Princess Iona perched, naked on a rock amid the waves. Clouds were forming as though in agreement with the Elders of Erythrea, who said her waiting seemed futile.

“Troy’s gone,” they had told her. “You have Royal duties and should stop dreaming. Curb your rebellious ways."

True, I am a rebel, Iona thought as she preened herself. My markings are proof of that. However I have known love. And Troy promised to return. Looking up she saw a ship on the horizon. Her heart flipped. Is it? Could it be ...?


  1. Lovely, charming, haunting, hopeful. Your beautiful descriptions are romantic and soulful. I love this piece. xo

  2. Love it - a whole new world opened up in just 100 words.

  3. Beautiful scene and setting. I hope Troy has returned to Iona/.

  4. Ah potential on the horizon...very nice.

  5. Oh, please say it's him. This was fab, a whole new world crafted in just a few words :-)

  6. being the hopeful romantic I am I loved this and hope it was her Troy..... well done hugs T

  7. Oh, could it be indeed? I hope it is. I love Iona already. Rebels for love always win me over. Another great novel starter, Naomi :-)

  8. Sounds like over the horizon awaits someone's she's waited for. Great post Naomi.

  9. Feels like a wonderful story of lost and (soon-to-be) found love. Wonderful job.

  10. I hope it is her true love :) so she can be a free princess. Great flash! :)


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