Friday, 31 August 2012

Flash Fiction Friday - 31 August: I Don't Believe It!

Its Friday again and what better way to enjoy it than with the flashers. With a given picture a group of Awesome Writers get inspired to write their version of a one hundred word (no more, no less) story. So pull up a chair, and show some love. Each deserves a read and comment. This week mine is called I Don't Believe It! Enjoy.

“They’re beauties, aren’t they?” Rhoda said as she examined the leaving present for Mr Russell. Someone said he’s a keen birdwatcher.”  Her workmate Kelly was due back any minute. Picking up the binoculars, she tested the magnification, focussing on one of the other offices.

“What the fuck? Oh Kelly you should see this!” Rhoda blinked and looked again. “Will you look at that? She stared harder. “I can see into that office. Mr Russell does not have any trousers on. There is a woman there, on her knees. She’s … I don’t believe it! Oh my God. Kelly, Kelly! KELLY!”


  1. I can't believe you saw me with Mr. Russell!

    Seriously, great flash!

  2. Ah Molly, she won't be able to see for long, because all the windows are becoming fogged up. Suffice it to say, you are better than advertised and as your reward, you've earned Ten On Each Cheek. Now, stand up and get your cute butt over here across my knee.

    Oh Naomi, what a wicked imagination you have. This is a flash that I definitely appreciate.

  3. Too much. This is a fun flash. I can feel her excitement, well done, Naomi. Fab pacing, fab flash.

  4. *snicker* What fun! Wonder if they'll get a show every day? Nice tease!

  5. Fantastically Fun post! Thanks for the smile.

  6. Mmmm... If you knew Mr.Russell- you wouldn't be surprised. So cute.

  7. Ha! Kelly is a naughty girl! Fun post!

  8. Fun FFF! Mr. Russell seems very naughty!


I long to know what you think. So please leave me a comment